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What Makes Our Cut Designs Unique?

The most common question we are asked is ‘What is the difference?’ and it was this question that spurred us to make a blog about our many different cuts!

creating a gem faceting design
Optimizing our Stormlight cut design.

You may have noticed that Stag & Finch offers a wide variety of familiar shapes but with very different results from other vendors. Since Stag & Finch cuts are not the same as the more common cuts throughout the industry, we’ve named ours to differentiate. The outlines look similar, but what's really interesting is the different patterns that are created! We also take a lot of pride in developing our cuts with precise angles to ensure every gem we cut is as brilliant as it can be. It takes a lot of practice, trial, and error to develop a pattern that is both brilliant and interesting.

Let’s look at some of our cut designs in more detail!


Stormlight (above left) is Stag & Finch's signature round developed by our owner and CEO Bryan in 2018. The difference in the number of facets makes a big impact on the reflection pattern produced. He may be biased, but this is Bryan's favorite cut!

The Round Brilliant, also referred to as an SRB (above right) is a classic cut that goes back to the early 1900s and has been adopted by nearly every gem cutter. This is the most common round cut you'll find in jewelry stores.


Omni Oval (right) is the best oval faceting design we've come across yet! Our favorite length/width ratio is 1.33 and the position of the pavilion facets adds so much depth to this very popular shape. This is Yolanda's favorite cut!

peach lab sapphire marquise baroness

Baroness (left) is our take on the fashionable marquise. It perfectly fits with all kinds of accent choices and is Stephanie's favorite cut!


Void Reaver (above left) was first developed by Arya Akhavan and has become one of our favorite square faceting designs. The positioning of the facets creates a lot of depth within each gem. This is one of our most popular cuts!

Asscher (above right) is a classic cut most often utilized when a Princess cut just won't do. It's been a favorite cut over 100 years and features a step cut crown as well as on the pavilion which gives it its signature look.


princess finch cut lab created sapphire juniper green

Princess Finch (left) is Stag & Finch's take on a Princess cut. Developed by our owner and CEO, Bryan, this design is bright with a captivating reflection pattern and depth.

princess cut brilliant lab created alexandrite

Modern Traditional Princess (right) has a brilliant pavilion that livens up the traditional Princess design. It's a great cut for sparkle in gemstones with higher RIs.


Eden (left above) is our own take on the traditional pear design. We took care in choosing the facet pattern of this beauty and went through many design changes before deciding this was going to be Stag & Finch's favorite pear! It's also Hunter's favorite cut!

Maya Drop (left below) is a stunning, modern design with a greater length/width ratio than traditional pear outlines. The distinct layout of facets still leaves room for a beautiful reflection pattern.


Cosmos (above left) is one of our most requested cuts! Its unusual pattern creates a stunning effect and works for every gemstone material, especially alexandrite and other dichroic gems. Cosmos is one of our most requested cuts!

Step Cut Hex (above right) is a common choice for this modern outline with both a step-cut crown and pavilion. The effect looks very similar to a traditional Asscher.


tachyon trillion cut african sapphire

Tachyon (right) is the Stag & Finch version of a bow-edged trillion. The wonderful thing about trillions is how easy it is to find a design that works - meaning brilliant with an incredible depth!

straight edge trillion trilliant montana saphire

Trilliant (right) is our straight edged trillion. With a brilliant pavilion and step cut crown, this design is a popular choice for those who like sharp edges! And happens to be Ness's favorite cut.


nova cushion juniper green lab created sapphire

Nova (left above) is our own Cushion design. This design took a lot of patience to get right! Like our Eden, there were many design changes along the way until we finally landed on a cushion we are proud to offer.

african sapphire elongated cushion supernova

Supernova (left below) is actually an elongated version of our Nova design, as you can see from the wire frame. We were so proud of our Nova that we worked hard to fit it in a longer frame.


rectangular cut wire frame

Framboise (above left) is our own version of the popular Radiant. The reflection pattern is beautiful and bright - it's no wonder why this is Melanie's favorite cut!

Emerald Cut/Step Cut (above middle) is a classic that everyone knows and loves. This design has been in use for centuries and continues to be a popular choice. This is Julia's favorite too.

Pixel/Opposed Bar Cut (above right) is a remarkable cut best seen in motion! The opposing step facets that make up this design create a pixel-like pattern when rocked back and forth. Quite mesmerizing!


kite cut australian sapphire

Kite Cut (left) is one of our latest additions and went through a few test designs to get it just right. It very quickly became one of Eric's favorites.

solar orange octagon hidden princess lab created sapphire

Hidden Princess (right) is an unusual 8-sided design that creates a stunning pattern. This design is best utilized in pleochroic gems like Alexandrite.

elongated hex nebula lab created sapphire

Nebula (left) another new addition for Stag & Finch, we elongated the Step Cut Hex and built a stunning pavilion pattern.


Everyone has different preferences so we do our best to create a huge variety of gems. We take a lot of pride in our cut designs and are always looking for inspiration. And with so many options outside traditional cuts, we're eager to help you choose the perfect one for you!

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